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clearing excel sheet values
Not Solved
I am iterating search results by outputting them to a row for each test run... But when QTP writes to the next row in the excel data sheet, it just adds to the last set of resutls in my local sheet. So question is, how do I clear my local sheet each iteration of rows?
thank you

intStartID = Parameter("StartID")
intEndID = Parameter("EndID")
intCurrentID  = intStartID

For i = intStartID to intEndID

'New Code ****************
Browser ("Clinical Trials On-Line").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line_3").WebList("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$s_categor").Select GetInputDBValueByID("VALUESET", INTCURRENTID)
'Browser("Clinical Trials On-Line").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line_3").WebList("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$s_categor").Select "Breast Cancer"
Browser("Certificate Error: Navigation").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line_4").Image("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$s_ImgBtnF").Click 34,14

Browser("Clinical Trials On-Line_4").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line").Link("All").Click

If Browser("Clinical Trials On-Line_2").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line_7").WbfGrid("ContentPlaceHolder1_RadioButtonList").Exist Then
Browser("Clinical Trials On-Line_2").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line_7").WbfGrid("ContentPlaceHolder1_RadioButtonList").SetCellData 1,1,"1"
End If
'DataTable("ProcNum") = ""
Set ExcelObj = createobject("excel.application")
ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open "C:\CTOL_Search_Test\CTOL_Results_Matrix.xls"
'ExcelObj.Application.Visible = true
Set mySheet = ExcelObj.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("RESULTS")
UseCaseArea = GetInputDBValueByID ("VALUESET", IntCurrentID) '
UseCaseComponent = GetInputDBValueByID ("AREA", IntCurrentID) '
UseCaseDescription = GetInputDBValueByID ("Description", IntCurrentID)

' strSearch = Browser("Clinical Trials On-Line_2").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line_7").WebElement("41 Trial(s) Found Using").GetROProperty("innertext")
strSearch = Browser("Clinical Trials On-Line_2").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line_7").WebTable("41 Trial(s) Found Using").GetROProperty("innertext")
strSearch = Left (strSearch, 3)
'msgbox strSearch

'strSearch = Browser("Clinical Trials On-Line_2").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line_7").WebElement("WebTable").GetROProperty("innertext")
'strSearch = Left (strSearch, 3)

mySheet.Cells(intCurrentID, 4) = ""
mySheet.Cells(intCurrentID, 4) = strSearch
'mySheet.Cells(intCurrentID, 1) = UseCaseArea '
'mySheet.Cells(intCurrentID, 2) = UseCaseComponent '
'mySheet.Cells(intCurrentID, 3) = UseCaseDescription '
                                        Set oDesc = Description.Create()
                                        oDesc("class").Value = "protocolOptions"
                                        oDesc("micclass").Value = "WebElement"
                                        'Set oChild = Browser("Browser").Page("Page_8").ChildObjects(oDesc)
                                        Set oChild = Browser("Clinical Trials On-Line_2").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line_7").ChildObjects(oDesc)
                                        intTableCount = oChild.Count
                                        intCurTblRow = DataTable.LocalSheet.GetCurrentRow

                                        For intObj = 0 to intTableCount -1
                                            DataTable.LocalSheet.SetCurrentRow intObj +1
                                            DataTable("ProcNum") = oChild(intObj).GetROProperty("innertext")
                                            strTest = DataTable("ProcNum")
                                            strTest = Left(strTest,6)
                                            'msgbox strTest
                                            'DataTable("ProcNum") = strActual
                                            If intObj <8 Then
                                                'Showing first 8 protocol numbers that are being parsed
                                                'msgBox "Row: " & intObj & "    Parsed Protocol Number is: " & oChild(intObj).GetROProperty("innertext")
                                            '    msgbox "Row: " & intObj & "       Parsed protocol Number is: " & strActual
                                            End If
                                            If ProtNo = "" Then
                                                ProtNo = strTest
                                                'ProtNo = DataTable.Value("ProcNum")
                                                'ProtNo = Left(ProtNo,6)
                                                'msgbox ProtNo
                                                'ProtNo = ProtNo & "; " & DataTable.Value("ProcNum")
                                                ProtNo = ProtNo & "; " & strTest
                                            End If
                                        mySheet.Cells(intCurrentID, 6) = ProtNo                                                        
                                        'ProtNo = DataTable.Value("ProcNumCTOL2")

mySheet.Cells(intCurrentID, 1) = UseCaseArea '
mySheet.Cells(intCurrentID, 2) = UseCaseComponent '
mySheet.Cells(intCurrentID, 3) = UseCaseDescription '

Set ExcelObj = Nothing                

    intCurrentID  = intCurrentID  +1

Browser("Clinical Trials On-Line_2").Page("Clinical Trials On-Line_7").Link("Active Trials").Click
Next  'Loop next  record from data sheet
Not Solved
use the below function
Public Function BIP_xlsDeleteRowRange (sSrcPath, sDestPath, sStartRow, sEndRow) ‘Create Excel object
Set oExcel = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
‘Sets the application to raise no app alerts
‘In this case it will allow a file overwrite w/o raising a ‘yes/no’ dialog
oExcel.DisplayAlerts = False

‘Open Book in Excel
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(sSrcPath)
‘Set Activesheet
Set oSheet = oExcel.Activesheet

‘Delete row range
oSheet.Rows(sStartRow +”:”+ sEndRow).Delete

‘Save new book to Excel file
oBook.SaveAs (sDestPath)

‘Close the xls file

End Function

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