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How To: Variable Checkpoint? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: How To: Variable Checkpoint? (/Thread-How-To-Variable-Checkpoint)

How To: Variable Checkpoint? - tsilb - 02-10-2009

I have a variable and want to create a checkpoint to pass/fail based on its value (i.e. pass if >= 1; fail of <= 0). How can this be done?

Specifically, I have a database call that retrieves rows based on a parameterized query. I want to fail if no rows come back, but pass if any do, regardless of the content.

I have tried modifying my query to select count(field) and return a number, then compare that using a database checkpoint, but I need to build the query progmatically because it contains arguments being passed in from the Global DataTable.

I am a Developer, not a Tester. I'm not really even sure why I'm the one doing this. Here is my "code":

'ModelMaster lookup
Dim con, rs,strSQL, Param1, Param2
Param1 = DataTable("B", dtGlobalSheet)
Param2 = DataTable("A", dtGlobalSheet)
Set con=Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs=Createobject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.CursorLocation = 3
rs.CursorType =3
connSTR= "Driver={SQL Server};Server=vsql0001;Database=DB0001;Dsn=myRegistryName"
con.open connSTR
strSQL= "select Field1, Field2 from dbo.Table1 where Field1 in (select Field1 from dbo.Table2 where Param2 like '%"+Param2+"%' and active = 1)  and (Field2 = '"+Param1+"' or Field2 like '"+Param1+" %'  or Field2 like '%*"+Param1+"' or Field2 like '%*"+Param1+"*%')"
rs.open strSQL, con
msgbox rs.recordcount

I want to pass or fail based on the value of rs.recordcount. Why can't there be a Value Checkpoint that can be inserted anywhere in code? :(

RE: How To: Variable Checkpoint? - tsilb - 02-10-2009

Got it:
strSQL= "select [...]"
DbTable("DbTable").SetTOProperty "Source", strSQL
DbTable("DbTable").Check CheckPoint("DbTable")