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Help needed with QTP Tutorial - Printable Version

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Help needed with QTP Tutorial - jazzyqueen - 08-05-2010

I just downloaded QTP Trial version and started the tutorial.
I am at Lesson 3 under the section - Learning Objects in your Application. Here is what I have done : I selected Mozilla Firefox as the browser instead of IE (Step 4d). I followed the rest of the steps according to the tutorial. When I followed Step 5e - "Position the mouse cursor in the User Name edit box (but do not click it). The test object hierarchy of that object is displayed. In the hierarchy box, notice that the name of the object is WebEdit, which is its object class type.", I do not see the object WebEdit in the Hierachy box. All I see in the Object Repository Manager Window is that Under Object Properties - Name: Mozilla Firefox and Class: Window. I have attached a print screen so that its more clear.

What am i doing wrong? Could it be because I am using Firefox instead of IE? Any help appreciated. Thanks!!

RE: Help needed with QTP Tutorial - Saket - 08-05-2010

what is your QTP and Mozilla version?

RE: Help needed with QTP Tutorial - jazzyqueen - 08-06-2010

My firefox version was not 3.0. I now downloaded Firefox 3.0 and getting the correct results as expected. Thank you very much for pointing it out!! Really appreciate it!!