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Webedit is null While click on a button - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Webedit is null While click on a button (/Thread-Webedit-is-null-While-click-on-a-button)

Webedit is null While click on a button - branjitk - 06-14-2012

Hi all,
I am having one doubt, the webedit box is going to null after click on a button.
I am using following Code,but the wscript exceutes, the cursor is going to URL edit box.

I am attaching the Screen Shot also. Please friends help me.

Browser("Browser").Page("Sailing Schedules").WebEdit("receipt_1").Set "Chennai, INDIA"
wait 2
Set wshell = Createobject("wscript.shell")
Browser("Browser").Page("Sailing Schedules").WebEdit("receipt_1").Click
wait 2
wshell.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
wait 2
wshell.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
wshell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Browser("Browser").Page("Sailing Schedules").WebEdit("delivery_1").Set "Shanghai, 31, CHINA"
wait 2
Browser("Browser").Page("Sailing Schedules").WebEdit("delivery_1").Click
wait 2
wshell.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
wait 2
wshell.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
wshell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

Browser("Browser").Page("Sailing Schedules").WebEdit("earliestDeparture").Set "2012-06-05"
Browser("Browser").Page("Sailing Schedules").WebButton("Find Schedules").Click

Thanks & Regards,
Ranjit Kumar.B

RE: Webedit is null While click on a button - Ankesh - 06-14-2012

Could not understand what is the error you are facing? Could you please elaborate your requirement?
