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Retrieving data from Txt file into datatable - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Retrieving data from Txt file into datatable (/Thread-Retrieving-data-from-Txt-file-into-datatable)

Retrieving data from Txt file into datatable - kriday - 07-16-2013

I have written the following code to get data from txt file into datatable
Const   ForReading =1
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\ExcelFiles\TestReg.txt" ,  ForReading)

Dim afilelines()
Do until objFile.AtEndOfStream
    ReDim Preserve afilelines(i)
    afilelines(i) = objFile.ReadLine

For Each strLine in afilelines
    MyArray =Split(strLine, " ", -1,1)
    For each sline in MyArray
        datatable("A" , dtglobalsheet) = sline
DataTable.ExportSheet  "C:\ExcelFiles\Book1.xls" , 1
but iam getting the following error

The set DataTable.Value operation failed. The <A> column does not exist.

Line (19): "DataTable("A" , dtGlobalSheet) = sline".

I need help on this
Thank you all

RE: Retrieving data from Txt file into datatable - vinod123 - 07-17-2013

i am not able know the error you have committed so i have posting the code which i use
Public Function ReadLineTextFile (strTextFile)

Dim fso, MyFile
Dim arrPairs, arrColumns, i

  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  ' Open the file for reading only
  Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strTextFile, 1)

  ' Read the input file
  ReadLineTextFile = MyFile.ReadLine

  ' Load the Global DataSheet.
  arrPairs = Split(ReadLineTextFile, "|")

  ' Note: This loop begins at Index 3 because Indices 0, 1, and 2
  '      (CurrentURL, CurrentBrowser, and CurrentPage) are already
  '      in the Global DataSheet)
  For i = 3 To UBound(arrPairs) - 1
    arrColumns = Split(arrPairs(i), ";")
    DataTable.GlobalSheet.AddParameter arrColumns(0), ""
    DataTable.Value(arrColumns(0), dtGlobalSheet) = arrColumns(1)

End Function '  ReadLineTextFile (strTextFile)

In your test script, just identify the path and filename of the text file...

  ' Identify the name of the input file to use.
  strTextFilePath = "C:\Test Data Files\"
  strTextFile = strTextFilePath & "FileName.txt"

Then just call the function when you need to...

  Call ReadLineTextFile (strTextFile)

RE: Retrieving data from Txt file into datatable - srinijg20 - 07-19-2013


Did u rename the column name as "A" if not rename it.

RE: Retrieving data from Txt file into datatable - vinod123 - 07-23-2013

just rename the column name to A