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UFT:A connection with server could not be established with xml objects - Printable Version

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UFT:A connection with server could not be established with xml objects - Lakshman.Repaka - 01-01-2018


I am using DOM objects to get Json response from UFT GUI test instead of using add-ins. But I am getting error. URL contains HTTPS protocol.
Error : "-2146697202 . A security problem occurred" is displayed with below code.
Set oHttp=CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
oHttp.Open "GET",strURL,false
Error : "-2147012867 . A connection with server could not be established" is displayed with below code.
Set oHttp=CreateObject("MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP.6.0")
oHttp.Open "GET",strURL,false
Alternative approach: 
I tried to open the url from UFT editor manually for the first time, it prompted with certificate popup and after proving the password , got JSON response successfully. Now, if I try to run any of the above codes, I am getting response. Not sure what was the reason why its not asking for certificate prompt for first time.

Can anyone please help me on this?

Thanks in advance!!