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Most popular forum: UFT / QTP Beginners (15,092 posts, 4,632 threads)

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Write in Excel (48 replies)
Asking for certification info (45 replies)
QTP Database conenction and parameterization of the values (40 replies)
MS One Note 2010 support from QTP 11.0 (40 replies)
QTP 9.5 iso - How to install free 14 days QTP Trial (38 replies)
LearnQuickTestPdf API (38 replies)
Regular Expression Syntax (37 replies)
QTP certification Experience (33 replies)
QTP Tips and Tricks (30 replies)
How to use same script for multiple URLs (29 replies)
Issues while running QTP Script in Siebel. (28 replies)
Write Heading in excel (27 replies)
QTP Trial version download (27 replies)
Checking existence of few fields after a selection made (26 replies)
how to recognize menu options in dp in qtp (25 replies)
Posting Guidelines (435,378 views)
how to get values of childItem of a webtable (117,475 views)
QTP Trial version download (80,024 views)
Syntax of SystemUtil.Run (77,374 views)
Using QTP to capture screen shot (75,544 views)
WebTable..Row and Column Count (72,039 views)
QTP 9.5 iso - How to install free 14 days QTP Trial (68,599 views)
Open a URL. through QTP (65,942 views)
Split function in string (63,252 views)
Free Download QTP v9.2 full version (58,032 views)
How to select item from weblist? (55,627 views)
QTP not performing iterations based on local data sheet (55,180 views)
Asking for certification info (54,805 views)
How to set the value to the Datatable ? (53,916 views)
Webtable contains cell contains two links, how to click on link (52,626 views)