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Full Version: Blank out TE-fields
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What is the easiest way for blanking out (text)fields on a Terminal Emulator screen ?
If there e.g. 3 fields on the screen having a respective length of 6, 24 and 3 characters I have to set the 'blank'-variable 3 times to the correct length, before setting the value of the TeField.

Isn't there a function like e.g. ".Clear" ?
TeWindow("short name:=A").TeScreen("CLIENT").TeField("Name").Clear

instead of

sBlanks = "      "
TeWindow("short name:=A").TeScreen("CLIENT").TeField("Name").set sBlanks
Hi Paulv

IS there a problem if you do :
TeWindow("short name:=A").TeScreen("CLIENT").TeField("Name").set ""

I use ""(without any spaces) for all my edits to blank out.

I am not sure about TE
