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Can anyone help me to write the regular expression for
Rejection (2)

The number in the paranthesis changes very often.

I tried Rejection ([0-9])
and Rejection (\d).. Both dint work

Please let me know the suggestion.

Thanks in advance
Rejection (/d*)
Sorry it is
Rejection (\d*)
Hi Lakshjai,
All the above expressions will not work because "(" and ")" are special charecters in RegEXP.
Pls use below Regular Expression.

"Rejection \([0-9]\)"

It should work

Thanks Venkat,
I will try this and let you know
Hi Ram,

Generic Functions are not related to Application Functionalities. Any function which doesn't contain any of the Operations on Application that is Generic Function.

For Example you can write a function to change the Date format to a different format. That function you can use any where since it doesn't depend on Application.
Similarly below are some Generic fuctions that we can have....
Navigate URL Function with URL as Input Parameter.
Function to Generate Random String with length as Input Parameter.

Hope you are clear
