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Full Version: Start application from windows system tray
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A small correction of the post.

In fact we can find system tray with application in it and activate it. Just like this,

For i = 1 To Window("System Tray").WinToolbar("System Tray").GetItemsCount
name = Window("System Tray").WinToolbar("System Tray").GetItem(i)
If InStr(name,i)>0 Then            
Window("System Tray").WinToolbar("System Tray").Press i,micMiddleBtn

But when there are appears a menu and the spy identify it like
object class

native class

and in this menu there are several items that must be selected.
No more details. No objects of this menu are identified, etc...
Does anybody meet with such...
Thank you!!!

old post


Could you please, help... The case is following - our application is placed in win system tray. And according to a test case we should test how the app starts by double clicking on the icon.
We have used by bitmap checkpoint but you know sometimes it works not properly...

Thank you!!!