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I am using QTP 9.5 with Siebel and Web addin installed along with some more addins.

But, in Object Identification, I am not able to see either of Siebel or web addin. I tried deleting registry and reinstalling QTP but it doesn't work.

Can some1 help me in this regard?


I have the same problem.
I just have the Siebel addin loaded in my QTP. I think the STA is right installed on the server because a colleague has a good siebel identification objets on QTP.
Is there anything to do on my computer?

QTP version: 10.0
Siebel : 8.0

Thank you in advance for your help...
And sorry for my low-level language


EDIT : I found the solution, I deployed Active X from my siebel (http://url/predeploy.htm), now the object identification is correct.
Note : you need administration rights to do this..

Best regards