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Full Version: Issues in data table
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The scenario at my end is :
1)Create 3 reusuable actions with each action having unique data in respective Data sheet like 1)Login action,2)Sales Action 3)Complete Transaction
2)Call the three actions from the main where the Global sheet has no data.
3)Now as explained the Sales action has 3 different sets of data,which needs to be used from Main.

Problem here is when i use the below mentioned script:
DataTable.GetSheet("Sales_BasicFlow [RA_Sales]").SetCurrentRow(1)
RunAction "RA_LogIn [RA_LogIn]", oneIteration
RunAction "Sales_BasicFlow [RA_Sales]", oneIteration
RunAction "Sales_BasicFlow [RA_complete]", oneIteration

the above script runs always with the 1st row of data in Sales_BasicFlow action .For traversing to the second row of action is not possible at my end although the Action properties having beeing changed to Run for all Iterations.
Kindly provide me the solution asap.
Would appreciate a quick response
Did you check the thread in the important thread pool?


Hope it helps