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I have the following problem:

Can't get tooltip text in .Net application.

I start object spy, navigate to window with application, hit ctrl and point mouse at the object, but no tooltip popped up no matter how long I wait. When I work in the application without qtp tool tips pop up correctly.

Can you please advise me how to identify such tool tips?

QTP version: 10.00
Hi unbeliever,

' Place mouse cursor over the link
Browser("Yahoo!").Page("Yahoo!").WebElement("text:=My Yahoo!").FireEvent "onmouseover"
' Grab tooltip
ToolTip = Window("nativeclass:=tooltips_class32").GetROProperty("text")

try this, u might solve your problem, if you have any more further query let me know


Thanks for trying, this solution does not work for me, I can identify WebElement in my SUT and even FireEvent does not throw any error in code, but:

- I can't see tooltip during test run
- on line ToolTip = Window("nativeclass:=tooltips_class32").GetROProperty("text") QTP generates Run Error.

I want to check properties of that object and to find out what can be done.

Additional info: this is .NET application.
Checkout this thread if any of the solution helps you.
Looked through, tried something, but the bottomline is that it's not doable.

Thanks for help, anyway