Micro Focus QTP (UFT) Forums

Full Version: Popup page not recognized
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I am automating an App that will display detail information in what apepars to be a popup page. This is not actually a popup but rather a page built with java and DIV and SPAB are used.

When I use object spy it recognizes the fields on this popup but when I try to create an object collection it always returns Zero, like it does not recognize that I narrow down to class or innerhtml.

It does however recognize all the webelements on the page just below the popup.

Does anyone know how I can resolve this?

Thanks - Charles
Hi All. This was simple user error on my part as was looking for a collection on the wrong object. Now that I have told QTP to look at the correct object/container it works fine!

I have java web app where when a button is clicked pup-up appears and it is not ecognized. There is a browse button on the pop-up which is used to load a local file.

Is there any other way to accomplish loading of the file using the pop-up?

Thankx in advance.

Attaching the document