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Hi, I am looking a function that takes a number from a string.

For example I have:

"The number of players was 86 and..."

Is there any native function of vbScripting that does this?

Below is the example code to get the number from string.
l_String="The number of players was 86 and..."
    For i=1 to len(l_String)
                If ( isnumeric(y)=True) Then
                          l_num= l_num & y
                End If
    msgbox l_num
strString="The number of players was 86 and 88 hkjh 880"

    splitString=Split(strString," ")
    intCount= UBound(splitString)
    intCount= Cint(intCount)
    arrayNum=" "
    For i = 0 to intCount
        If IsNumeric(splitString(i)) Then
            arrayNumbers= splitString(i)
            If arrayNumbers<>""  and arrayNum =" "  Then
                arrayNum= arrayNumbers            
                arrayNum= arrayNum &"_"& arrayNumbers            
            End If
        End If
    MsgBox arrayNum
Thanks. Looking the string, it has several numbers, but the number i need is next to the word "código" (code in English), it can be done with regular expressions? Or I have to add some lines to the code below.

I will think the solution, if it works i will post it.

l_String=Datatable("o_DescRechazo", dtLocalSheet)
    For j=1 to len(l_String)
       If ( y="Código") Then
         For i=j to len(l_String)
           If ( isnumeric(y)=True) Then
              l_num= l_num & y
            End If
       End If
    msgbox l_num

Thanks to all
I understand it is solved. Just curious to know, If your text string was so,

txtstrng = "this is codeigo 86 testing numeric"

I would simply do this,

reqnum = Split(Split(txtstrng,"codeigo")(1),"testing")(0)
msgbox reqnum

Why run unnecessary loops ?

Food for thought mate...
It is an interesting solution... the "código" word is always going to be before the number i need, but i don´t know what is next to that word.
Btw, i don´t completely understand what are you trying to do there, why (1)? why (0)?

It is an interesnting alternative, with better performance...

Although it doesn´t work "The subindex is out of range: '[number: 1]'"
Let me explain the below in detailed.
txtstrng = "this is codeigo 86 testing numeric"

reqnum = Split(Split(txtstrng,"codeigo")(1),"testing")(0)
Let us look into the inner split first and then the outer split.
When you use split method using "codeigo", then it will breake into 2 strings.
  String(0) = "this is codeigo"
  String(1)= "86 testing numeric"
So, Split(txtstrng,"codeigo")(1) = "86 testing numeric"
Now here again we are spliting the string with "testing"

  Split("86 testing numeric","testing")
When you use split method using "testing", then it will breake into 2 strings.
string(0)= "86 "
string(1)="testing numeric"

As we need the numeric value. We have to capture the first string i.e. string(0).

Please let me know if you still have any questions.
Hi there,

You can use this way to get any number(s) from a string

Public sub s_GetNumberFromString (strText, byref colNum)
    Set ObjRegExp = New RegExp
    ObjRegExp.Pattern = "\d+"
    ObjRegExp.Global = True
    Set colNum = ObjRegExp.Execute(strText)
End Sub

Dim colNum
s_GetNumberFromString strNormal, colNum
For each intNum in colNum
    MsgBox intNum

Ngoc Vo
Dim regEx: Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "(?:código )(\d+)"
MsgBox regEx.Execute("this is código 86 testing numeric").Item(0).SubMatches.Item(0)

(?: ) is a non-capturing group, so you are assured the digits will end up in the first SubMatch of the SubMatches collection. If you want to break the code down a little further:

Dim txtstrng: txtstrng = "this is código 86 testing numeric"

Dim regEx: Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "(?:código )(\d+)"

Dim regExMatches: Set regExMatches = regEx.Execute(txtstrng)

For i = 0 To regExMatches.Count-1
    MsgBox "código match number " & i & ": " & regExMatches.Item(i).SubMatches.Item(0)

This will iterate through each match if there are more than one.
Dim var
var = inputbox("Enter the string with any numeric value", "Alpha Numeric", "Baba205Fakruddin")

Function Get_No_FromString(var)

    len_var = len(var)

    For i=1 to len_var
        cha =mid(var,i,1)
        If isnumeric(cha) Then          '1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or  9)
            bln = bln&cha
            print bln
        End If
    print "The digits in string"&bln

End Function

No_in_String = Get_No_FromString(var)
msgbox "The digits available in string"&No_in_String