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Hi All,

I tried importing excel data through this process but I received the following error during run-time:
"The Data Table.AddSheet operation failed. Invalid argument".
sheetcount = DataTable.GetSheetCount
If sheetcount < 2000 Then
Line (3) datatable.AddSheet(SheetName)
            datatable.ImportSheet Dir&ExcelName,SheetName,SheetName
End If

The error shows up in line (3) datatable.AddSheet, stop and re-running the script from beginning solve this problem, is there any why to avoid this error.
Hi Galis,

First use DataTable.AddSheet("sheetName") and then use DataTable.ImportSheet.
Hi manishbhalshankar,

o.k, I am using the add sheet before the importsheet but still I received an error.
Line (1) sheetcount = DataTable.GetSheetCount
Line(2) If sheetcount < 2000 Then
Line (3) datatable.AddSheet(SheetName)
Line (4) datatable.ImportSheet Dir&ExcelName,SheetName,SheetName
Line (5) DataTable.SetCurrentRow(0)
End If


On line (4), you have "Dir&ExcelName".
Does it mean that there are 2 variables where Dir has the location of the file and ExcelName has the file name?
If so try this:
Dir = "Complete path of your file\"
ExcelName = "ExcelName.xls"

DataTable.ImportSheet Dir & ExcelName, "sheetName", "TestSheet"

This is working for me.
Hi manishbhalshankar,
Thank you