Micro Focus QTP (UFT) Forums

Full Version: Running test with datatable multiple times
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I have a test that has a Datatable (30 iterations), i want to run the test for a certain amount of time...lets say 1 hour. I would like it rerun the whole test if it finishes the 30 iterations before the time is up.

ie. if before the hour is up, it already ran all 30 iterations, i want it to restart again.

If this is too complicated, then is it possible to specify the number of times i want to run the test within QTP or possibly QC??

ie. I want the test to run 3 times. Basically since there aer 30 iterations in the test, it'll run 90 times. does anyone have any suggestions??

U can specify the number of time/rows u want the script to run.

As u have 30 iteration and u want the test to run 3 times.

Navigate to Edit -> Actions -> Action Call Properties. Select the run from row radio button and specify the start and end row.

Similar kind of setting u can do for global data table iteration as well..

File -> Settings -> Run ->Select the run from row radio button and specify the start and end row.

Do let me know if u have any query.
