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Full Version: Problem recording simple script
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I am working on windows 7 , QTP 10.0, IE 9.0.

1. I am not able to record any web application, and I came to know that QTP 10.0 doesnt work with IE 9.0. So I need a solution for that.

2. I tried recording sample Flight app. Here is the recorded script:

Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set "shik"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure "4ee8d61da8893c7db1ac7a5dc440f958735919db"
Window("Flight Reservation").Close

The very very first step of opening the Flight app is not being recorded.

FYI: The path for flight app is "c:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Quick Test Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe"

Can anyone please suggest the solution?

Thanks in advance
use the below line in the first step which will open the flight application during run time.
SystemUtil.Run "c:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Quick Test Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe"

Thanks for your response.

I tried that but it gives an error:

Invalid procedure call or argument

Line 1: "SystemUtil.Run "c:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Quick Test Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe"".

Then I installed patch QTP_00644. When I entered the license key, it gave an error that this key is already in use. So I cancelled it and tried running the application again. And its giving the same error.Sad

Please suggest something.


hi shikha/ ravi ,

how to install this path qtp_00644 in my machine can u pls assist me

Can you please have a look on to this website .
It gives the solution to your query

QTP patch 644 is the correct one . Try installing it again