Micro Focus QTP (UFT) Forums

Full Version: Dialog boxes in Firefox 13+
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I am to make a reusable action that will allow me to click an OK or Cancel dialog button in Firefox. The action will be used in multiple tests.

So far I have this:

Browser("micclass:=Browser").HandleDialog micCancel

This action works most of the time, but some tests fail saying:

"The "[ Browser ]" object's description matches more than one of the objects currently displayed in your application. Add additional properties to the object in order to uniquely identify the object."

Are there more descriptions I can add so that this works every time with any Firefox page?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't think QTP supports FireFox 13. As far as i know the latest version of QTP i.e. 11.00 only supports FF upto version 3.5. And to make QTP able to work on FF 3.6, an extra addin should be installed.

Correct me if I am wrong....