Micro Focus QTP (UFT) Forums

Full Version: How to perfom double click Operation in Firefox using QTP
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Hi Ankur,

We have a scenario where it should be double clicked on a particular item in the list and it will open respective Page. We are able to write a script for this in IE where as in Firefox we are getting an error. The item in the list is getting recognised as 'WebElement'. Do you have a solution for this? Let me know if u need any additional information.

Thanks in Advance,
Have you tried .dblclick with that object?
Yes..I have tried that..But its not working in Mozilla where as its working in IE
Is it possible for you to simulate this on a publicly accessible site? If yes, record the script on that site and pass on here, I will check for the problem.
Do a object spy for the object you need to double click and in the object spy window check whether the method dblclick exists or anyother methods available for doing a dbl click
I am facing the same issue. Could you please help?
I have tried tools -> web event Recording config .... doesn't work.
You need to change the Replay Mode from Event to Mouse before the ondblclick statement and switch it back to Event mode after the statement.

Please refer to following link for more details:

That works! Just before reading your reply, I tried using Virtaul object. Thats works well too!
I created VO and then recorded the required Image. Then the image gets recorded as the created VO with Dblclick property.
Thank you, yarley!
hiii all.....

i also found the same problem in a GWT application where all the objects are recognized as either WebElement or an Image...

I tried the following for performing dbl click and i got success in IE.. Hope it will also work in Mozilla as well....

Set obj = CreateObject ("Mercury.DeviceReplay")
obj.MouseMove absx, absy
obj.MouseDblClick absx, absy,0
Set obj = Nothing

Just try it and let me know whether it is working or not...Just drop a mail on -- souvikghosh.Diatm@gmail.com