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Full Version: Compare 2 image files in Beyond Compare through QTP
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Hi Guys,
I want to compare to image files in beyond compare through qtp and get a report to see if there are any mismatches.

I'm doing this through command line:
BCompare.exe @"My Script.txt" "My File.bmp" "Your File.bmp" "My Report.txt"

My Script.txt has the following code:
Pix-report layout:side-by-side &
options:display-mismatches &
output-to:%3 %1 %2

I'm getting error "Unknown command : 'Pix-report'"when i run this through the command line.

Can you please help me out here with this error or any other way to compare 2 images and get a result file that tells you if they are same or different.

Thanks in advance