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Full Version: UFT 11.5 with .net objects
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Hi ,

I have a question on .net objects and recording them in QTP.

My application is a scheduler that helps schedule appointments. Those appointments are movable within the screen. On top of the appointment the name of the patient and the type of appointment will be display.

Now I have to automate this by finding the appointment on the screen using patient name and then do a right click on it. Also when I hover over the appointment the tooltip will be displayed and I need to capture that

Can you tell me how to do this? I have tried using gettextlocation. It sometimes returns success and other time says text cannot be found. I have also used getvisibletext. The text is there. But not sure how to get the coordinates and click.

Any assistance is appreciated
Please ensure you don't open multiple threads for the same question.

Regarding your query, please check using Object Spy which property has the tool tip in it.