Micro Focus QTP (UFT) Forums

Full Version: Action Parameter passing problem
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Hello, I am new in QTP. Can anyone help me to solve a problem? I have Action1 and Action2. I called Action2 from Action1. In Action2 I have input, Input2 And Output1 as input and out parameter. In Action 1 I wrote Input1 = 10, Input2 = 30, Dim Output and then RunAction "Action2", Input1, Input2, Output1. then MsgBox Output1
In Action2 I have --- Parameter ("Output1") = Parameter ("Input1") + ("Input2)
But when I execute the test case it only shows 1030 not the addition of the two values. What is the error in the code, can anyone please explain me?
This will happen if the parameter type is given as string in Action 2.
Please check Action 2 parameter types and change it to Number from String.

Let me know if this works.