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Full Version: PASS/FAIL in QTP
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Let me explain the problem using an example. Lets say I have to validate a login functionality in a web page. Login is success for "login" and "passwd123" user credentials and for rest throws error message.
In the script using Data Driven I try to login using various users. For a valid user, on login success I check the text and if exists I report a message with PASS else FAIL.

Now my question is when I manually execute this test case, when the valid user is allowed to login and for the rest it throws a message. I PASS this test case.

when I run this data driven script with same logic, the QTP summarized result shows FAILED though the script completed successfully.

what is the correct approach. How to go about handling PASS/FAIL in QTP script.
Hi Badri,

Are you using the conditional statements and then using QTP Pass/Fail?

It should be some thing like
if (this error message display) then
    QTP pass
    QTP Fail
end if
Thats fine..I am using the same way. But try to understand my question.

when i execute the testcase for various users(valid n invalid), the manual test case is PASS.
Similarly, when i run as automated, how should i handle the logic for PASS/FAIL.
'Valid user name and password
  username = "abc"
  password = "def"

Call Login("Valid",username,password)

'InValid user name and password
  username = "xyz"
  password = "pqr"

Call Login("InValid",username,password)

'Login Function
Function Login(strValidation,UN,PWD)

if strValidation = "Valid" then
   'code to validate successful login
elseif strValidation = "InValid" then
   'code to validate failure login
end if

End Function