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Full Version: Entering Values in Mainframes screen (X,Y co-ordinates)
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I am working on mainframes environment.
so, i use Terminal Emulator add-in to work.

I am trying to automate a task which requires user to input in (X,Y) co-ordinates in mainframes.

To explain in detail

I am trying to run a job by changing an value in (26, 37) co-ordinates. And that value, i will parametrize and will get it from a spreadsheet and will feed it to UFT.

So each time i get that value from sheet, update in that job, submit it. Again in next iteration i get next value from sheet, update that in job, submit it.

Now, the value which requires update in each iteration is in (26, 37) co-ordinates of length 5 characters.
When i try to capture the object, it captures as whole Row, coz, whole row in that job is non-protected field. so i dont have any choice other than to update in x,y co-ordinates.

Please help me on how to update a value in x,y co-ordinates in Mainframes...
Thanks in advance!!
Can u plz provide some more details for clarity along with/partof code....
