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Full Version: UFT record and run script
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Hello There,

As I am new to UFT, just recorded my first script, but when try to run the same its giving me error can someone suggest me solution for it. 
Please refer the script and error message copy below.

Also, does the recorded script looks normal, as i don't see such script in any of the tutorial online. 

Thanks a ton..!!

Script recorded using UFT

systemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Unified Functional Testing\samples\Flights Application\FlightsGUI.exe"
Window("Micro Focus MyFlight Sample").Click 197,222
Window("Micro Focus MyFlight Sample").Type "john"
Window("Micro Focus MyFlight Sample").Click 181,272
Window("Micro Focus MyFlight Sample").Type  micShiftDwn  + "HP" +  micShiftUp
Window("Micro Focus MyFlight Sample").Click 157,349
Window("Micro Focus MyFlight Sample_2").Close

Error Message

Cannot identify the object "Micro Focus MyFlight Sample" (of class Window).
Verify that this object's properties match an object currently displayed in your application.

Line (2): "Window("Micro Focus MyFlight Sample").Click 197,222". 

Tip: If the objects in your application have changed, the Maintenance Run Mode can 
help you identify and update your steps and/or the objects in your repository.
