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Excel - Printable Version

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Excel - lit_73 - 05-19-2009

This is with respect to Excel sheet.I wish to know how i can connect Excel sheet with QTP and automate.Present situation i am using MSAcess.There are five tables.Is it possible to get them in one excel sheet with different sheets.
How can we write queries in QTP with excel sheet.

Kindly help me as its been long i am asking the same question.

Thanks and Regards'

RE: Excel - Ankur - 05-19-2009

Check the post on Excel Automation Model

RE: Excel - manojith1984 - 05-20-2009

This would help you to query from the Excel Sheet

'Set oCnnExcel = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Set oRsExcel = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'DbExcelPath = "D:\Manojith_Others\All_others\Database.xls"
'oCnnExcel.Open "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=" & Trim(DbExcelPath) & ";Readonly=1;" 'DSN
'oRsExcel.Open "SELECT * FROM [TEST_01_UC01$] WHERE IdNo IN ('123','124') ORDER BY IdNo, CompanySal, CompanyName Asc", oCnnExcel, 2, 3

'Do While oRsExcel.EOF = False
'    MsgBox oRsExcel.Fields("CompanyName").Value
'    MsgBox oRsExcel.Fields("CompanySal").Value
'    oRsExcel.MoveNext

RE: Excel - lit_73 - 06-22-2009

Hi Manojith,

Thanks for this piece of code.But again i have some doubts so i thought i will clear with you.

1.The syntax. "SELECT * FROM [TEST_01_UC01$] "but i am getting error on this.I am not sure if the name given is correct.
2.Actually the excel sheet name is check.xls and the database is also the same.Can you please advise me on this.


RE: Excel - lit_73 - 06-23-2009

I have a few doubts with this code like
Database.xls points to what.In other words imagine i have n number of excel sheets so each time i should establish the same code or how is it.
Example if i have an Excel sheet named Test.xls then instead of Database i should put that name if i am not wrong.Kindly advise me if i am wrong.
DbExcelPath = "D:\Manojith_Others\All_others\Database.xls"


RE: Excel - manojith1984 - 06-24-2009

'Database.xls' is the excel files name.
You can parameterize this variable

For Example: if you have created a file 'test.xls' in path 'D:' then you can give
DbExcelPath = "D:\test.xls"

Thanks and Regards,
Manojith Ramachandran

RE: Excel - savita.kale - 08-04-2009

Hi Tushar,

I hope this will help you.

Dim sFileLocation

On Error Resume Next
SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName "Excel.Exe"

sFileLocation = "C:\Input.xls"
sWorksheet = "InputData"

Set xlObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlObj.Visible = True

Set xlWorkBookObj = xlObj.Workbooks.Open(sFileLocation)

Set xlWorkSheetObj = xlWorkBookObj.Worksheets(sWorksheet)

For  i  =2 To 3
        sRollNo = xlWorkSheetObj.Cells(i,1)
        Browser("ConfirmationHome").Page("ConfirmationHome").WebEdit("trfrBpId").Set sRollNo

        If Browser("ConfirmationHome").Page("ConfirmationHome").Link("DRN").Exist Then
            xlWorkSheetObj.Cells(i,2).Value = "Pass"
          xlWorkSheetObj.Cells(i,2).Value = "Fail"
        End If

RE: Excel - linhke - 12-10-2009

Hi all,
I have a excel sheet with structure:

LOG2 niss niss

After i set randomize for USER_NAME value, i want to store the new variable value (ex: niss1234) to that cell by UPDATE query with input parameters (Sheet name, KEY value, USER_NAME field), without row, column index. Can any body tell me the solution?

Thanks and BRs,

There is a run error if one of those field value is empty. Could you show me how to cover it?

Thanks and BRs,