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Identifying WinEdit in InputBox - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Identifying WinEdit in InputBox (/Thread-Identifying-WinEdit-in-InputBox)

Identifying WinEdit in InputBox - Mukesh.Laxmidhar - 11-10-2010

Hi all,
I have started to see the cool and powerful side of Descriptive programming for QTP and so far understand basic stuff.

I have an InputBox and I am able to identify, but I want to edit the WinEdit in the InputBoxt and push Ok. I am able to push Ok but I don't know how to send text to WinEdit that does not have a name?

I have tried:
Dialog("name:=In").WinEdit().Set "Hi"
Dialog("name:=In").Set "Hi"  'Because the cursor is already set in WinEdit
Result: Error

My main goal - to send "ctrl+v" key to WinEdit and push OK.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestion.

Mukesh L.
Solution Smile

Dialog("name:=In").WinEdit("Class name:=WinEdit").Set "Hi"

I love how logical it is Smile))