Micro Focus QTP (UFT) Forums
SWF grid is identified by QTP as swfobject - how to access a childitem of a cell?? - Printable Version

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SWF grid is identified by QTP as swfobject - how to access a childitem of a cell?? - raparthiqa - 02-05-2015

Hi Ankur

Your site is really helpful for beginner/intermediate and experts!

I have below situation in my project, we have a .net application, swfgrid is identified by QTP/UFT as swfobject.

I am able to access the grid cell content using:

Set objGrid = SwfWindow("FormName").SwfObject("grid").Object
Set myDs = objGrid.DataSource

msgbox myDs.Rows.Item(1).Item(2)

However, I am unable to access an image (+icon) available in one of the cells. Could you suggest a solution?

I tried using below code:

myDs.Rows.Item(1).Item(2).childitem(1,2,"Image", 0)
but it didnt work
