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QTP not identifying the objects in the application
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Hi all,

My application is a web based aplication. when i record or use obect spy
it identifies the browser and page but not the objects inside my application. since my application uses Flex I have added flex add-in but still the problem remains. So please help.
If you need more information about the problem, i wil provide.
Thanks in advance.
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Hi Rao,

please make sure that you have opened the Application Browser once the QTP is launched (Open), this will solves your issue.

Let me know if you need any more info.

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Hi QTPKing,

Do you mean to say that my application Shold be open before launching QTP? If so I have tried that way but the problem still exists. Please reply

Thanks and Regards,
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Hi Rao,

QTP not identifying the objects in the application for this error add some properties in Mandatory properties to identify the object uniquely.
Eg:suppose if the object is WebEdit ,this object have some properties like htmltag,htmlid,innertext etc.,,so we can add some properties in the Mandatory field in Objectidentification to identify the object uniquely...

kindly let me know if there is any query regarding this...............

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Hi Balakrishnan,
Thanks for the reply. But my problem is QTP not able to identify any objects in my application. When I spy on the application it identifies whole application as one object(WinObject). Ours is Flex application and Im using flex3 add-in. And interstengly QTP identifies Adobe sample Flex application but not our application. So anything im missing here please tell me. Thanks
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Hi Rao,

using the virtual object we can identify the objects.try with this one.

In QTP Go to Tools-->Virtual objects . select the particular area using the crosshair symbol.
Based on the coordinates , it will identify the object

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Hi Balakrish,

Do u really think that using Virtual Objects will totally solve Rao's issue ?

All@: Herewith I request you to post the worked out solutions ...not rough tries.
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You may refer my article on Flex and see if it can help you.

@balakrish: Virtual Object is a substitute of low level recording that should be suggested only in rare circumstances.
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Hi all,
I had a some object identification issue.
Scenario1: I have recorded a script in gmail which is on first 50 records here i have total 67 mails in my inbox in the first page i could able to fetch the data from the application useing(rows=50) in first page but when i execute the script by opening the second page still it is showing the number of rows=50 here i need to get this as 17 (67-50) as i am in second page
Could u please explain me the way i can get in to proper solution.
Scenario2: I have done the record operations on first mail displayed on first page and able to fetch the total details from the web application, here i have deleted the first record and executed the script here i am getting an object identification issue ,
Whichever the first mail is displayed i need to fetch the data of the first record
Could yuou please explain me about this
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HI Venkatabatchu,

First of all my sincear request is whenever you have some issue try to post an individual issue, so that we can track the issue easy.

Scenario1: In most of the web based apps' even though we have only part of records (17), all the rows in the table (50) will displayed. Use the "VBNullstring" and check whether you have the data in the cell first, if you don't have data then simple exit loop else click on the mail or cell.

Scenario2: I think the root cause for this is the object properties. Can you please check out the object properties once and possibly use regular expressions or use dynamic object identification.

Please let me know if you need any more info.

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