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How to find out the object property in the Description language .
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How to find out the object properties when we deal with the description Programming. As there are two ways to write the DP. 1. Giving the description in the forms of the string argument .2.Creating Property collection object for the description. . In both cases how we consider that which object property we must use for a particular object. Since a single page has a n number of object and its not possbile to remeber all the properties .
I read that we can use Object Spy for the first option . Is there any other way ? Or its a pre decided that we have to use this property and value ?

Hope all of u Understand my question ? If any query let me know.

Thanks in Advance
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Basically what I follow is just store an object in the OR and see what are properties that are used for identifying the object and then mention the same for descriptive programming, I guess this is the general method. Sometimes based on the application and previous experience it might be decided on the values of the the property of an object.
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hi .
As i know when we deal with the DP , we need not to worry about the object repository . As u told me that first we have to store the object in the OR than we have to write down and then we will create DP . I think it will take too much time and we have to create a script two times
1. general script with OR.
2. DP with the help of OR.
You don't think so it will take more time .
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Hi njnirmal,

I think you did not get the exact meaning of "".

As per Tarik we will just add the object to OR in order to know the unique properties of the object and those properties will be used in the DP for object identification.

Let me know if you need any more info.
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Yes it will indeed take more time.

it was just for an example not for every object :-)
For descriptive programming we generally use properties like name, Ids, ordinal identifier etc. which is already known or defined.
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Adding Objects to the OR is solely dependent on the "object Identification properties" set. IF not set QTP automatically chooses the best avaiable identification properties. In this case i would suggest the spy as a more effective one than the OR.
Give a fish to a man and you feed him for a day..Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for life.
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i.e. Generally we have to add the object in the OR then we can do the DP.
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Give a fish to a man and you feed him for a day..Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for life.
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This is a answer as well as opinion.
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Usually we find the unique value of the property ,which makes qtp to identify the object..
usually class, htmlid , height,x,y,micclass

class because most of the times ,when it is a non standard object - its class which is defined by the developer takes a uniqe name.

html id is itself unique in dom;

but when everything is same which happens sometimes,u create a common description and then u can play with the childobjects of that desc ,first count total objects that are of similar description and then u can get the index of that particular object by just some trials and then work with that object

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