03-22-2011, 02:55 AM
'Action Name : To Login
Question: As we change the n/w password quiet frequently, I have used this method to login while running the script. But Even after trying lot of times I couldnt find a way to encrypt the password while runnig the script, Like Gmail password with asteriks (****). Anyone Please advise.
'Action Name : To Login
'Initiaze the String variables
Dim InpUserName, InpPass, PassString
' To Enter Network ID while running
InpUserName = InputBox ("Enter Username", "User Input")
Browser("micclass:=Browser").Page("micClass:Page").WebEdit("userid").Set InpUserName
'To enter Network ID Password
InpPass = InputBox ("Enter Password")
PassString = Crypt.Encrypt(InpPass)
Browser("micclass:=Browser").Page("micClass:Page").WebEdit("pwd").SetSecure PassString
Browser("micclass:=Browser").Page("micClass:Page").WebButton("Sign In").Click
Question: As we change the n/w password quiet frequently, I have used this method to login while running the script. But Even after trying lot of times I couldnt find a way to encrypt the password while runnig the script, Like Gmail password with asteriks (****). Anyone Please advise.