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Issue in Descriptive(QTP) while using Https server
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months ago Exclamation 

This is a issue which I faced while performing automation using QTP 9.2 for my project which is a web based application. Actually, I'm able to record and make a playback on the application and also I can go for scripting using the Object Repository and in both the cases it works fine. The problem is when I happen to click the Login link after giving the URL it leads to the https site, say for example my appln URL is and after giving the URL and clicking the GO button it navigates to the landing page where the Login link will be present. And to login to the appln when I click the Login link it navigates to the secured server, say for example https://

Now here, in this case I tried to do descriptive programing by identifying the object properties of user name and password of the appln using the object spy and when i try to run the script it throws an error saying the object's parent window cannot be recognized. Still I'm able to navigate to the page but could not able to access the objects in that even though I've given the right properties with the correct structure. Hope my doubt is clear to all.
Please suggest me......

Thanks in advance
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Does the https page launch as a pop-up window after clicking Login link? If yes, you need to include the visible property in parent objects. You can find the example in earlier posts.
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Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Many thanks for your reply ankur. The https page does not launch as a pop-up window but as a normal window only. It gets recognized as browser when I use the object spy. And I did tried all ways to include the visible property as I mentioned in my previous post. I was really wondering what cud be wrong. But one thing is that, I was browsing in qtp forum abt this and one user had said that in case of https it is better to use name and innertext property while performing DP, but quite unfortunate, the appln in which i'm wrkng doesn't have the innertext property but shows the name property. May be even this can be an issue, still I wud be glad to get the exact reason for that.

thanks again
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months ago
If the second browser window opens, QTP gets confused. So in order for QTP to recognize the second browser use CreationTime. CreationTime:=0 referrs to the first browser window and CreationTime:=1 referrs to the second and on and on. For example:
Browser("CreationTime:=1").Page("micClass:=Page").WebButton("name:=View Directory").click
will click on a View directory button in the second browser window.

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