07-01-2008, 09:51 PM
Hello All,
I am using QTP for a PowerBuilder application.
For Login n Pwd fields are recognised by QTP as PbEdit which is easy to handle. But in one of the screen, QTP recognises the whole window as PbDataWindow and fields inside the window as SetCellData, while recording. When I try to play back, it says Cells are not available in OR. But in OR only PbDataWindow is captured NOT all individual cells.
So could you plz help me to overcome the hurdle.
My recoding code looks like :
Prob is there in the below line
I am using QTP for a PowerBuilder application.
For Login n Pwd fields are recognised by QTP as PbEdit which is easy to handle. But in one of the screen, QTP recognises the whole window as PbDataWindow and fields inside the window as SetCellData, while recording. When I try to play back, it says Cells are not available in OR. But in OR only PbDataWindow is captured NOT all individual cells.
So could you plz help me to overcome the hurdle.
My recoding code looks like :
SystemUtil.Run "C:\ABC\abc.exe","","","open"
PbWindow("w_ctd_frame").PbWindow("w_ct_db_connect").PbEdit("sle_db_pass").SetSecure "486a4fb7cb9437f5a2b82311"
Window("Form Design").WinMenu("Menu").Select "Objects;Forms..."
Window("Form Design").WinMenu("Menu").Select "Forms;Create..."
Prob is there in the below line
PbWindow("w_ctd_frame").PbWindow("w_ctd_form_modify").PbDataWindow("dw_form_attrib").SetCellData "form=TP","form","TP"
Window("Clintrial Design").WinMenu("ContextMenu").Select "Window;Close All"
Window("Clintrial Design").WinMenu("Menu").Select "File;Exit Alt+F4"