Curremntly, I have been using:
But when I use:
I get an error the SysListView32 is not recognized.
Error Message: Cannot identify the specified item of the [ SysListView32 ] object. Confirm that the specified item is included in the object's item collection.
Line (12):
I have looked this up but I have read neo answer. am i using perhaps the wrohod?
hwndZip = Window("text:=" & ZipDialogName & ".*").GetROProperty("hwnd")
SetobjWinListView = Window("hwnd:=" & hwndZip).WinListView("nativeclass:=SysListView32", "Location:=0")
Call objWinListView.WaitProperty("visible", "true", 10000)
ItemCountZip =objWinListView.GetItemsCount
Where ItemCountZip = 1
For PDFCount = 0 to ItemCountZip - 1
PDFReportName = objWinListView.GetItem(PDFCount)
I get an error the SysListView32 is not recognized.
Error Message: Cannot identify the specified item of the [ SysListView32 ] object. Confirm that the specified item is included in the object's item collection.
Line (12):
"PDFReportName = objWinListView.GetItem(PDFCount)".
I have looked this up but I have read neo answer. am i using perhaps the wrohod?