03-27-2008, 05:50 PM
Hello Ankur
As suggested in an earlier post, to resolve the problem in Oracle, I have installed Oracle 8.2 addn and then installed Java addin by which i could record the script and objects appropriately.
Following is a sample code generated by recording using only the Oracle add-in and uninstalling Java add-in:
But the same code while running is throwing an Unspecified error with error code : 2147467259
Only when I use javaedit( ...).object.settext "aaa" etc, then does the code execute. Why do you think this happens?And .object does not provide all the required methods required to be performed in the navigation like setfocus, activate.What can i substitute for these methods?
Another issue is that, My application navigates through a java portal and this Oracle application and hence I require both the Java add-in and the Oracle add-in to be active. But when the java addin is enabled the Oracle code does not execue at all throwing object not identified error.
Does the patch QTPORACLE82P6102 or EWT.xml installation solve this problem?
is there an inherent conflict in these add-ins , or can this be resolved?
The Oracle add-in read me file says supports Oracle Forms 6.0, but our application is 4.5 , Is there a problem because of that.
Please let me your comments!!
As suggested in an earlier post, to resolve the problem in Oracle, I have installed Oracle 8.2 addn and then installed Java addin by which i could record the script and objects appropriately.
Following is a sample code generated by recording using only the Oracle add-in and uninstalling Java add-in:
JavaWindow("Engineering Change Orders").JavaEdit("ECO_DEPARTMENT_0").Set "DSM"
JavaWindow("Engineering Change Orders").JavaEdit("CHANGES_REASON_CODE_0").SetFocus
JavaWindow("Engineering Change Orders").JavaDialog("ECO Customizations").JavaList("XXAM_ENG_ECO_SPECIAL_ENG_SPECIAL_ME").Select "Assignments List"
But the same code while running is throwing an Unspecified error with error code : 2147467259
Only when I use javaedit( ...).object.settext "aaa" etc, then does the code execute. Why do you think this happens?And .object does not provide all the required methods required to be performed in the navigation like setfocus, activate.What can i substitute for these methods?
Another issue is that, My application navigates through a java portal and this Oracle application and hence I require both the Java add-in and the Oracle add-in to be active. But when the java addin is enabled the Oracle code does not execue at all throwing object not identified error.
Does the patch QTPORACLE82P6102 or EWT.xml installation solve this problem?
is there an inherent conflict in these add-ins , or can this be resolved?
The Oracle add-in read me file says supports Oracle Forms 6.0, but our application is 4.5 , Is there a problem because of that.
Please let me your comments!!