02-18-2011, 11:07 AM
HI ,
Sorry for the last thread im not using any parenthesis
I have a funtional libray say y
im defining two funtion ,One funtion calling another funtion it gives me that error
In my action
i call
Theis funtion Record("ss","13/01/1987")
it gives me an error
Sorry for the last thread im not using any parenthesis
I have a funtional libray say y
im defining two funtion ,One funtion calling another funtion it gives me that error
Public Function Record(stname,strage)
Browser("LorPrimary").Page("LorMain").Frame("Search").webedit("as").set "name"
call selectdtpicker(strage)
end funtion
Public Function age(strage)
Browser("LorPrimary").Page("LorMain").Frame("Search").datepeicker("as").set strage 'the date picker is an custon type
end funtion
In my action
i call
Theis funtion Record("ss","13/01/1987")
it gives me an error