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Unable Allocate the Memory
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago
Jyothi -
tdevick has pointed out some excellent points to overcome the issue,although it is not a solution but few steps with which you can minimize the memory leaks.

Like i said, you will have to debug the issue to a larger extent as to what exactly is causing the issue, It could be the objects or excessive object creation loading the memory and the worst is that QTP comes with memory leak issues.

We use a framework which is completely built on .vbs files and the web objects are created through dictionary objects. We have overnight execution and i havent actually come across any memory leaks so far.

However on the other project, when my friends complained of memory leaks, we spent sometime to see what we could do and unable to find any reasonable bug, we decided to net the bug by using a workaround where we actually would close QTP and any other process pertaining to vbs and then start QTP back again and load the vbs files once again. We chose an interval of every 3 hours where it would free up the memory and then start everything afresh. It worked for us.

However, this is just a workaround and not a solution for the issue. In my view, 15 hours of execution for a QTP tool which is infected with memory leaks and multiple vbs being loaded, i guess you must look for any workaround.

Does this help?
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Messages In This Thread
Unable Allocate the Memory - by JyotiRanjan - 03-28-2011, 02:06 PM
RE: Unable Allocate the Memory - by basanth27 - 03-28-2011, 03:00 PM
RE: Unable Allocate the Memory - by JyotiRanjan - 03-29-2011, 09:31 AM
RE: Unable Allocate the Memory - by basanth27 - 03-29-2011, 09:34 AM
RE: Unable Allocate the Memory - by JyotiRanjan - 03-29-2011, 09:37 AM
RE: Unable Allocate the Memory - by basanth27 - 03-29-2011, 09:51 AM
RE: Unable Allocate the Memory - by tdevick - 03-29-2011, 01:37 AM
RE: Unable Allocate the Memory - by JyotiRanjan - 03-29-2011, 09:56 AM

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