Set oDesc=Description.Create()
oDesc("micclass").value = "WebElement"
oDesc("class").Value = "order_details_main_boxes"
Set sLinks = Browser("Browser").Page("Page").ChildObjects(oDesc)
sLinkCount = sLinks.Count
PRINT sLinkCount
For i = 0 to sLinkCount - 1
iName= sLinks(i).GetROProperty("innertext")
iOrderNumber =Left(iName, 7)
PRINT "Order Number " &iOrderNumber
Hi usng the above code i'm capturing order number details so when i run the script in my app i got the count value 2 ie.,
sLinkCount = 2
In the first loop i got Order Number = 5434565
In the second loop i got Order Number = 5434564
Now i want to check the sorting by taking these order numbers and wanted to store in array so that i want to check ascending/descending sorting...
Please help me out in this regard...