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How to use ExecuteFile() ??
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months ago
I need to import file. I m using ExecuteFile() for importing file, but i have an error on this function. May b i m not using it with right path.
The scenario is that i created a script with named "Test2", in which i implemented functions, and i have to use those functions from this file. I have another script file named "Sequence", i have to use functions of script file "Test2" in "Sequence" script file of QTp.
i m doing this:
ExecuteFile ("D:\")
but it is giving error.
I also tried the following all:
ExecuteFile ("D:\Test2\Action0\")
ExecuteFile ("D:\Test2\Action0\Script.mts")
ExecuteFile ("D:\Test2\Action1\")
ExecuteFile ("D:\Test2\Action1\Script.mts")
ExecuteFile ("D:\Test2\")

but all are giving errors.
Please tell me, where i m wrong?

Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Hi Star,
Execute file statement is able to execute VBScript statements only. I dont think one can execute qtp test with this. RunAction can be used to include another test in one test. If you want to use the funstions in another test then you will have to put those functions in a library file then either you can associate this file in resources or you cna run through execute file.


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