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Compare Two ex cel sheets and highlight differences
Not Solved
Hi Saket

Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately I didn't pick up where to amend the code. I tried different combinations resulting in different errors. Appreciate if you could amend the below code with the previous input.

My apologies for being painful
many thanks
Function excel_comp_threedec

expectedfolder = environment("expfld")

actualfolder =  environment("actfld")

difffolder = environment("difffld")

Dim fso, f, fc, f1

   Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

   Set f = fso.GetFolder(expectedfolder)

   Set fc = f.Files

   For Each f1 in fc

   expectedfile = expectedfolder +
   actualfile = actualfolder +  replace(f1.Name,".xls","a.xls")

Set WSShell = CreateObject("")
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcel.Visible = False
ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False

Set objWorkbook2= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(expectedfile)

Set objWorkbook1= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(actualfile)

'objWorkbook1.SaveAs DifferenceFile


If WScount1<>WScount2 Then
WSShell.Popup "Number of worksheets in file 1 is not equal to Number of worksheets in file 2", 2

For I = 1 To WScount1
Set objWorksheet1= objWorkbook1.Worksheets(I)
Set objWorksheet2= objWorkbook2.Worksheets(I)

For Each cell In objWorksheet1.UsedRange
    If cell.value <> "" Then
                If instr(1,cell.value,".") Then
                            iPos= instr(1,cell.value,".")+1
                            If mid(cell.Value,iPos,4) <> mid(objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value,iPos,4) Then
                                    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                                    ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                            end if
                            If cell.Value <> objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value Then
                                    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                                    ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                                    objWorkbook1.SaveAs difffolder +
                                    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
                            End If
                End If
    End If




Set objWorksheet1= Nothing
Set objWorksheet2= Nothing

End if
Set objExcel=Nothing

end function
Not Solved
here is your modified function
Function excel_comp

expectedfolder = environment("expfld")

actualfolder = environment("actfld")

difffolder = environment("difffld")

Dim fso, f, fc, f1

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set f = fso.GetFolder(expectedfolder)

Set fc = f.Files

For Each f1 in fc

expectedfile = expectedfolder +
actualfile = actualfolder + replace(f1.Name,".xls","a.xls")

DifferenceFile = difffolder + replace(f1.Name,".xls","d.xls")

Set WSShell = CreateObject("")

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcel.Visible = true
ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False

Set objWorkbook2= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(expectedfile)

Set objWorkbook1= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(actualfile)

objWorkbook1.SaveAs DifferenceFile


If WScount1<>WScount2 Then
WSShell.Popup "Number of worksheets in file 1 is not equal to Number of worksheets in file 2", 2

For I = 1 To WScount1
Set objWorksheet1= objWorkbook1.Worksheets(I)
Set objWorksheet2= objWorkbook2.Worksheets(I)

For Each cell In objWorksheet1.UsedRange
    If cell.value <> "" Then
                If instr(1,cell.value,".") Then
                    If cint(cell.Value) <> cint(objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value) Then
                            cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                            ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                    End If
                            iPos= instr(1,cell.value,".")+1
                            If mid(cell.Value,iPos,3) <> mid(objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value,iPos,3) Then
                                    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                                    ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                            end if
                            If cell.Value <> objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value Then
                                    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                                    ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                                    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
                            End If
                End If
    End If




Set objWorksheet1= Nothing
Set objWorksheet2= Nothing

End if
Set objExcel=Nothing

end function
request you to always wrap your code with proper tags, refer help

Not Solved
Hi Saket
Thank you for the updated code. But still I am experiencing new issues "Overflow". Please have a look at attachment.

Wait to hear from you
Many thanks in advance

Attached Files
.zip   QTP (Size: 11.96 KB / Downloads: 113)
Not Solved
I guess you are getting this error where the cell values are like 3120952.2 or 1.00343E+14.
The reason behind this is CInt() has an upper and lower bound. It will only allow you to convert to a integer value between -32,768 and 32,768.
Try if you can Int() with this you can go upto 1E+208. But again, It will have issue with -ve numbers, it truncates to lowest decimal.
or else see if direct comparison works in your case, ie compare the whole cell value.
I guess you are getting this error where the cell values are like 3120952.2 or 1.00343E+14.
The reason behind this is CInt() has an upper and lower bound. It will only allow you to convert to a integer value between -32,768 and 32,768.
Try if you can Int() with this you can go upto 1E+208. But again, It will have issue with -ve numbers, it truncates to lowest decimal.
or else see if direct comparison works in your case, ie compare the whole cell value.

Not Solved
Hi Saket
Much appreciate you help. Unfortunately "int" is not working. So I used "Round" function still code is compalining at the "string level".
Please have a look at attachment for more details.
Wait to hear from you.

Many thanks as usual in advance

Attached Files
.zip   QTP (Size: 23.08 KB / Downloads: 100)
Not Solved
(10-01-2009, 03:24 PM)neerukonda9 Wrote: Guys

I am looking at upgrading the below script for comparing two excel sheets in a way that the differences will be highlightled only when the data in the cells differ after three decimal places.

example: cell 1 --- 3.00123; cell 2--- 3.00132

I don't want to hightlight the above difference as there is no difference upto three decimals.

Any quick response is much appreciated.

many thanks in advance.

I am looking at upgrading the

Function excel_comp

expectedfolder = environment("expfld")

actualfolder = environment("actfld")

difffolder = environment("difffld")

Dim fso, f, fc, f1

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set f = fso.GetFolder(expectedfolder)

Set fc = f.Files

For Each f1 in fc

expectedfile = expectedfolder +
actualfile = actualfolder + replace(f1.Name,".xls","a.xls")

Set WSShell = CreateObject("")

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcel.Visible = false

Set objWorkbook2= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(expectedfile)

Set objWorkbook1= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(actualfile)


If WScount1<>WScount2 Then
WSShell.Popup "Number of worksheets in file 1 is not equal to Number of worksheets in file 2", 2

For I = 1 To WScount1
Set objWorksheet1= objWorkbook1.Worksheets(I)
Set objWorksheet2= objWorkbook2.Worksheets(I)

For Each cell In objWorksheet1.UsedRange
If cell.Value <> objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value Then
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
objWorkbook1.SaveAs difffolder +

cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If

ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False

Set objWorksheet1= Nothing
Set objWorksheet2= Nothing

End if
Set objExcel=Nothing

end function
Set objMyExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objMyExcel.Visible = False

Set objMyDataExcel1= objMyExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\chourasiyav\Desktop\sample\File 2.xlsx")
Set objMyDataExcel2= objMyExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\chourasiyav\Desktop\sample\File3.xlsx")

Set objMyWorksheet1= objMyDataExcel1.Worksheets(3)
Set objMyWorksheet2= objMyDataExcel2.Worksheets(3)

For Each cell In objMyWorksheet1.UsedRange

'if the found unique value/Unmatched value then hightlight row in the red color
   If cell.Value <> objMyWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value Then
       objMyWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value = cell.Value
       cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3


       cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0

   End If


Set objMyExcel = Nothing
wait 2
Not Solved
Hi Saket - This work fine for first work Sheet of Excel file. Once first sheet comparison done, when script moved to 2nd work sheet comparison, it is throwing a range class error at " cell.Select". Can you modify code so that it can move to other excel sheets of Excel file for comparison of cell data
Function excel_comp

expectedfolder = environment("expfld")

actualfolder = environment("actfld")

difffolder = environment("difffld")

Dim fso, f, fc, f1

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set f = fso.GetFolder(expectedfolder)

Set fc = f.Files

For Each f1 in fc

expectedfile = expectedfolder +
actualfile = actualfolder + replace(f1.Name,".xls","a.xls")

DifferenceFile = difffolder + replace(f1.Name,".xls","d.xls")

Set WSShell = CreateObject("")

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcel.Visible = true
ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False

Set objWorkbook2= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(expectedfile)

Set objWorkbook1= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(actualfile)

objWorkbook1.SaveAs DifferenceFile


If WScount1<>WScount2 Then
WSShell.Popup "Number of worksheets in file 1 is not equal to Number of worksheets in file 2", 2

For I = 1 To WScount1
Set objWorksheet1= objWorkbook1.Worksheets(I)
Set objWorksheet2= objWorkbook2.Worksheets(I)

For Each cell In objWorksheet1.UsedRange
   If cell.value <> "" Then
               If instr(1,cell.value,".") Then
                    If cint(cell.Value) <> cint(objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value) Then
                            cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                           ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                    End If
                           iPos= instr(1,cell.value,".")+1
                           If mid(cell.Value,iPos,3) <> mid(objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value,iPos,3) Then
                                   cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                                   ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                           end if
                           If cell.Value <> objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value Then
                                   cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                                   ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                                   cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
                           End If
               End If
   End If




Set objWorksheet1= Nothing
Set objWorksheet2= Nothing

End if
Set objExcel=Nothing

end function
request you to always wrap your code with proper tags, refer help
Not Solved
(11-04-2009, 09:47 AM)Hi Saket, Unfortunately, Comparison of Cell data fails when script jumps to NEXT Sheet of Excel . The Error is " Select method of Range class failed ". Can you correct this code ??? Wrote: here is your modified function
Function excel_comp

expectedfolder = environment("expfld")

actualfolder = environment("actfld")

difffolder = environment("difffld")

Dim fso, f, fc, f1

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set f = fso.GetFolder(expectedfolder)

Set fc = f.Files

For Each f1 in fc

expectedfile = expectedfolder +
actualfile = actualfolder + replace(f1.Name,".xls","a.xls")

DifferenceFile = difffolder + replace(f1.Name,".xls","d.xls")

Set WSShell = CreateObject("")

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcel.Visible = true
ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False

Set objWorkbook2= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(expectedfile)

Set objWorkbook1= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(actualfile)

objWorkbook1.SaveAs DifferenceFile


If WScount1<>WScount2 Then
WSShell.Popup "Number of worksheets in file 1 is not equal to Number of worksheets in file 2", 2

For I = 1 To WScount1
Set objWorksheet1= objWorkbook1.Worksheets(I)
Set objWorksheet2= objWorkbook2.Worksheets(I)

For Each cell In objWorksheet1.UsedRange
   If cell.value <> "" Then
               If instr(1,cell.value,".") Then
                    If cint(cell.Value) <> cint(objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value) Then
                            cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                           ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                    End If
                           iPos= instr(1,cell.value,".")+1
                           If mid(cell.Value,iPos,3) <> mid(objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value,iPos,3) Then
                                   cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                                   ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                           end if
                           If cell.Value <> objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value Then
                                   cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
                                   ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
                                   cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
                           End If
               End If
   End If




Set objWorksheet1= Nothing
Set objWorksheet2= Nothing

End if
Set objExcel=Nothing

end function
request you to always wrap your code with proper tags, refer help

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