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Why is the object name a value instead of a name?
Not Solved
Why do some objects in the object repository have the value of the object instead of a name in the object name property? So far I have only seen this occur in display only fields and when the Object Class property is "SwfObject.

The problem, of course, is that I have to assign a more reasonable name manually to use the object in a test and then the name is not maintained from version to version of the code under test.

Is the assignment of the object value to the object name property due to QTP or is this a result of a setting in the tool used to set up the object in Virtual Studio?

If this is a setting that the developer can change or if I could specify QTP to use the swfname from the Description Properties by default, for example, it would make writing tests, so much easier!

From what I have read, the name of the object must be "properly exposed" for the compiler to associate an object name with it.. but the developers tell me they don't know what controls this.

Anyone know how this works?

(I am using QTP ver 10.00 Build 513 on Windows XP).

Thank you,
Gainesville, FL. USA

Messages In This Thread
Why is the object name a value instead of a name? - by davidmgf - 02-03-2012, 02:00 AM

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