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Instability problem using QTP 10.
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago

My name is Benoit, i'm french, i'm gonna try to explain my problem from the beginning.

We have like 400 automation tests running every day with QTP 9.1 on Windows 2000/XP and IE6/7. Now we want to test our web application on Windows 7 and IE8. The automation tests have to work on each platform.

So i have a computer with QTP 10, QC 9.2, Windows 7 and IE8. At first the automation tests were working in running mode but not in development mode (record objects, ...) So i installed the patch QTP_00644 and it fixed the problem.

As HP support advised me, i also installed the patch QTP_00626. I added the line in mic.ini as they said in the readme file.

But we still have some instability problems. All our automation tests were created with QTP 9.1. When we lounch them with QTP 10, most of them stop with the message : "this object does not support this property or method". It happens on any kind of line : .Link("xxx").Click or a WebEdit or a WebTable, a synchronization, ...
These automation tests are working very fine on QTP 9.1. Besides, the problem occurs with QTP 10 even on Windows 2000/XP and IE6/7.

In the past, we had the same kind of instability when we were running an automation test created with QTP 9.1 on QTP 9.2. That's why we kept using QTP 9.1.

As the HP support told me, i was thinking that maybe if i convert the automation test on QTP 10 format, it could resolve the problem. I tried and it's still not stable. Sometimes the same test will work and not the next time.

I don't know what to do, we have to fix this problem or we are doom to use QTP 9.1 and never test our application on windows 7 and IE8 but we can't.

Hope you can help me.

Thank you.

PS : I join in attachment two files. The mic detect report of my computer and a screenshot of the QTP report with the error (it's in french). In the screenshot the problem occurs while i call a function of synchronization, it's like a .exist. But this kind of problem happens on any kind of line.

Attached Files Image(s)

.zip (Size: 973.55 KB / Downloads: 75)
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago
Hi Benoit,
I have experienced some short of issue but not exactly the same, when we moved from 9.2 to 9.5. The issue was when we used GetROProperty("text") was getting my value in 9.2 but it was empty when we run the script in 9.5. I have tried with other property "value" and it return me the correct value. I would suggest you to narrow down your issue, by taking a single script and fix that according to 10.0, what property or method can be used in 10 when the script fails to run. I think you will definitely get a solution for it.
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago

Thank you for your reponse.

Unfortunately, even if i understand the purpose of this action, i have no possibility to change some statement like :


It's the same syntax and method in QTP 9.1, 9.2, 9.5 and 10.

But it's not working. I'll have the same error. It's weird cause sometimes the same kind of statement will work and not further in the automation test.

BUT, i just tried something, i don't understand and i can't say if it resolve my problem.
In all my automation tests, i use the "With" statement. So i just have to write .Link("blablabla") and not Browser("aaa").Page("bbb").Link("blablabla")
I just removed all the "with" statement in some reusable actions to test an automation test and it seems to work. I don't have the error...
I'm not sure i find the solution, i just begin to try this solution. But it means that HP have a compatibility problem with the "With" statement between different versions of QTP.

Have you ever heard about that kind of problem with the "with" statement? Do you think i'm right?

Thank you.

Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago
hmmm, I think there should not be a compatibility issue with "With" statement. There could be something else which could be troubling you with in "With" block, before you come to .Link("").Click. Have you tried, only keeping ".Link("blablabla").Click" with in "With" block, if it is working? If the issue still persists, you can communicate with HP support for your observation.
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago
"Have you tried, only keeping ".Link("blablabla").Click" with in "With" block"

I don't understand your question.
I use a "With" block in each automation test and reusable action.

With Browser().Page()   (in the beginning of the program)

     Iline = .WebTable().GetRowWithCellText(...)

End With   (at the end of the program)
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago
Is there any line of code in between "With Browser().Page() (in the beginning of the program)" and ".Link().Click", then I did not ask that.
I was asking, Do not keep all codes with in "With" block. keep only ".Link().Click" with in With block. This is just for diagnose the issue if click link have any issue with with block. If following try works fine, look into the code that comes before ".Link().Click" when everything is with in "With" block
With Browser().Page()
End With
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago
Ok. I understand.
Yes i can try something like that. It could help me to figured out something.

I removed the "With" statement on 5 automation tests using several reusable actions (i removed the "with" statement too on them) and it seems to work. It's maybe not the right problem but there is something around that.

Thank you. I'll tell you if i find something.

Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago
Ok. keep posted about your observation and workaround/solution if you find any.
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago
Its really strange that sometimes it works and sometimes not.
can you point at some specific peice of code where such problems occur and paste.
what are the controls for that you get an error, does its properties different from what you see in IE6/7 than IE8?
One more thing did you converted your scripts while opening the script in QTP 10. You should open all your scripts in QTP 10 and convert it when it asks for.


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