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Compare 2 text files
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago

I have a list box with values. 1, 2, 3.......... (same order) as baseline.
At run time I see values 2, 1, 3...........

How Can I compare these values.
I need code with a loop which can verify the 1st value in the list (at run time) compared against the baseline values which are in
1) a excel spreadsheet in a row.
2) a excel spreadsheet in a column.
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 1 Week ago
Here is the code for compare two files.
dim oFSO

' creating the file system object
set oFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

FilePath1 = "C:\text1.txt"
FilePath2 = "C:\text2.txt"
FilePathDiff = "C:\text3.txt"
call FileCompare(FilePath1,FilePath2,FilePathDiff,false)

'Option Explicit

' *********************************************************************************************

' Create a new txt file

' Parameters:

' FilePath - location of the file and its name

' *********************************************************************************************

Function CreateFile (FilePath)

    ' varibale that will hold the new file object

    dim NewFile

    ' create the new text ile

    set NewFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(FilePath, True)

    set CreateFile = NewFile

End Function

' *********************************************************************************************

' Check if a specific file exist

' Parameters:

' FilePath - location of the file and its name

' *********************************************************************************************

Function CheckFileExists (FilePath)

    ' check if file exist

    CheckFileExists = oFSO.FileExists(FilePath)

End Function

' *********************************************************************************************

' Write data to file

' Parameters:

' FileRef - reference to the file

' str - data to be written to the file

' *********************************************************************************************

Function WriteToFile (byref FileRef,str)

   ' write str to the text file


End Function

' *********************************************************************************************

' Read line from file

' Parameters:

' FileRef - reference to the file

' *********************************************************************************************

Function ReadLineFromFile (byref FileRef)

    ' read line from text file

    ReadLineFromFile = FileRef.ReadLine

End Function

' *********************************************************************************************

' Closes an open file.

' Parameters:

' FileRef - reference to the file

' *********************************************************************************************

Function CloseFile (byref FileRef)


End Function


' Opens a specified file and returns an object that can be used to

' read from, write to, or append to the file.

' Parameters:

' FilePath - location of the file and its name

' mode options are:

' ForReading - 1

' ForWriting - 2

' ForAppending - 8

' *********************************************************************************************

Function OpenFile (FilePath,mode)

    ' open the txt file and retunr the File object

    set OpenFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath, mode, True)

End Function

' *********************************************************************************************

' Closes an open file.

' Parameters:

' FilePathSource - location of the source file and its name

' FilePathDest - location of the destination file and its name

' *********************************************************************************************

Sub FileCopy ( FilePathSource,FilePathDest)

    ' copy source file to destination file

    oFSO.CopyFile FilePathSource, FilePathDest

End Sub

' *********************************************************************************************

' Delete a file.

' Parameters:

' FilePath - location of the file to be deleted

' *********************************************************************************************

Sub FileDelete ( FilePath)

    ' copy source file to destination file

    oFSO.DeleteFile ( FilePath)

End Sub

' *********************************************************************************************

' Compare two text files.


' Parameters:

' FilePath1 - location of the first file to be compared

' FilePath2 - location of the second file to be compared

' FilePathDiff - location of the diffrences file

' ignoreWhiteSpace - controls whether or not to ignore differences in whitespace characters

' true - ignore differences in whitespace

' false - do not ignore difference in whitespace

' Return Value: true if files are identical, false otherwise'

' *********************************************************************************************

Function FileCompare (byref FilePath1, byref FilePath2, byref FilePathDiff, ignoreWhiteSpace)


    dim differentFiles

    differentFiles = false

    dim f1, f2, f_diff

    ' open the files

    set f1 = OpenFile(FilePath1,1)

    set f2 = OpenFile(FilePath2,1)

    set f_diff = OpenFile(FilePathDiff,8)

    dim rowCountF1, rowCountF2

    rowCountF1 = 0

    rowCountF2 = 0

    dim str

    ' count how many lines there are in first file

    While not f1.AtEndOfStream

        str = ReadLineFromFile(f1)

        rowCountF1= rowCountF1 + 1


    ' count how many lines there are in second file

    While not f2.AtEndOfStream

        str = ReadLineFromFile(f2)

        rowCountF2= rowCountF2 + 1


    ' re-open the files to go back to the first line in the files

    set f1 = OpenFile(FilePath1,1)

    set f2 = OpenFile(FilePath2,1)

    ' compare the number of lines in the two files.

    ' assign biggerFile - the file that contain more lines

    ' assign smallerFile - the file that contain less lines

    dim biggerFile, smallerFile

    set biggerFile = f1

    set smallerFile = f2

    If ( rowCountF1 < rowCountF2) Then

        set smallerFile = f1

        set biggerFile = f2

    End If

    dim lineNum,str1, str2

    lineNum = 1

    str = "Line" & vbTab & "File1" & vbTab & vbTab & "File2"

    WriteToFile f_diff,str

     ' loop on all the lines in the samller file

    While not smallerFile.AtEndOfStream

        ' read line from both files

        str1 = ReadLineFromFile(f1)

        str2 = ReadLineFromFile(f2)

        ' check if we need to ignore white spaces, if yes, trim the two lines

        If Not ignoreWhiteSpace Then



        End If

        ' if there is a diffrence between the two lines, write them to the diffrences file

        If not (str1 = str2) Then

            differentFiles = true

            str = lineNum & vbTab & str1 & vbTab & vbTab & str2

            WriteToFile f_diff,str

        End If

        lineNum = lineNum + 1


    ' loop on the bigger lines, to write its line two the diffrences file

    While not biggerFile.AtEndOfStream

        str1 = ReadLineFromFile(biggerFile)

        str = lineNum & vbTab & "" & vbTab & vbTab & str2

        WriteToFile f_diff,str

        lineNum = lineNum + 1



    FileCompare = Not differentFiles

End function
I hopes you may get the solucation with above code.

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