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got a newjob please help me
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 2 Weeks ago
I got a new job..i never worked on qtp before. As a new worker iam asking basic question.

In my project they are using keyworddriven framework and QC for testcases. And my question is: what is the process for writing the script for an application, will i use object spy to add the objects to the Object Repository? or will i add objects manually to the OR? or any other way is there to start the work. Please help me.

Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 2 Weeks ago
You can use this beginners guide for qtp to understand and fully acquaint yourself with qtp
Want to fast track your QTP/UFT Learning? Join our UFT Training Course
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 2 Weeks ago
Thanks alot for giving the reply...I saw ur answers in this blog...nice to hear the reply from u..and this blog is giving the good understanding material for me

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